The Find Canadian Made Directory is a …
The listing is provided as part of either a new application or annual renewal. There is no charge for an institution to be listed in the directory. However, we offer enhanced listing services for a modest price. For more info, click fees.
Canadian businesses or manufacturers may promote their products on this site. If you are operating such – simply go to Add Listing and get your company name and products listed.
Leave us a message via our contact page, or email us at
If the information for your business or institution is incorrect, you may edit via My Account >> My Listing >> Select Listing to Edit >> Click “Edit Listing” >> Make Your Edits >> Save.
If you wish to remove your business or product from the directory, go to My Account >> My Listing >> Select Listing to Edit >> Click “Delete”
The directory is updated everyday.
Listings that need approval may take a number of days to complete so don’t be alarmed if your information isn’t updated immediately. Once the new information has been entered, the directory will reflect this change within a 24-hour period.
There are two methods to search the directory:
a) The ‘Basic Keyword Search’ (located below the main menu) allows the user to enter any partial business or name, and category. For example: the user could enter ‘Gazebos’ or ‘Electric Motorcycle’. This would find all the listings that match those words.
b) The ‘Advanced Search’ (located on sidebars) allows the user to search by location. This would include (partial) business or name, category, and province. This search provides a drop down list for the provincial name.
If you have found an error in the function of the directory, please let us know as soon as possible. Leave us a message on our contact page, or email us at