April 8, 2020
As Canada and the rest of the world faces the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chains for vital supplies are falling apart causing shortages of much-needed supplies as countries keep these supplies for themselves first. It’s causing much fear, anger, hostility and driving up costs for the few that can afford to purchase. Meanwhile, our health system […]
August 19, 2016
When shopping online – do you ever do a search for ‘Made in Canada’? You should – you’ll be surprised at how many unique and quality items appear. For example – on a recent search at Costco.ca, 464 search results came up. Everything from furniture to kids stuff to wine cellars to office products to […]
May 30, 2014
How many times have you looked at a product in a store, seen that wonderful red maple leaf on the packaging and picked up that item thinking you’re buying a Made in Canada product? I’ve done it many times myself, but I’ve been learning more and more since making the decision to start www.FindCanadianMade.ca about […]
April 7, 2014
So you made the decision that you want to purchase a “Made in Canada” product, but how do you know it is actually Canadian produced? According to the Competition Bureau of Canada, they have some pretty strict guidelines about this that must be adhered to if a company wishes to make the claim that their […]
February 25, 2014
Products found in this directory are all Made in Canada! When you buy products that are Made in Canada you are supporting the Canadian economy and our communities. Our goal is to help you locate & highlight quality Canadian manufacturers who bring good paying jobs to our communities. Listed also will be companies that are […]